Surveillance des maladies chroniques

La collection Surveillance des maladies chroniques consiste en une série de feuillets produits par le Bureau d’information et d’études en santé des populations sous la direction scientifique et la coordination de l’Institut national de santé publique du Québec. Il s’agit d’une initiative de transfert des connaissances visant à diffuser l’information provenant d’activités liées à la surveillance des maladies chroniques afin d’éclairer, en partie, l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de stratégies et programmes adaptés de prévention en santé publique.

Chaque feuillet présente l’étendue des données sur une maladie chronique spécifique (par ex. : diabète, maladies cardiovasculaires et respiratoires, maladies ostéo-articulaires, troubles mentaux, maladies neurologiques) ou aborde, dans une perspective intégrée, les concepts de comorbidités, multimorbidités et polypharmacie. L’information contenue dans les feuillets vise essentiellement à décrire l’ampleur et les issues reliées aux maladies chroniques, évaluer l’utilisation des services de santé ainsi que la consommation de médicaments, identifier les groupes à risque et suivre l’évolution des maladies et de leurs facteurs de risque dans le temps.

La collection s’adresse aux professionnels et aux décideurs du réseau de la santé et soutient la diffusion d’information nécessaire à la planification et à l’évaluation des politiques et interventions visant à réduire les maladies chroniques.

Health services use and frailty among Québec seniors with a minor fracture

Principaux constats :

Among individuals aged 65 years and older having suffered a minor fracture, 13.6% were considered frail while 5.2% were robust. This study shows that frail elderly seniors use health care more extensively after experiencing a minor fracture. It is possible to characterize seniors’ frailty status at a population level using an adaptation of a frailty index in the healthcare administrative databases.
Monitoring report

Autism Spectrum Disorder Surveillance in Québec

This report discusses the prevalence and the incidence rate of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It also demonstrates the capability of the Québec Integrated Chronic Disease Surveillance System (QICDSS) to identify the comorbidities associated with ASD and the profile of health services utilization. These estimates were obtained from a longitudinal study covering the period from April 1, 2000, to March 31, 2015, for all persons eligible for health coverage between the ages of 1…

Monitoring report

Prevalence of Hypertension in Québec: A Comparison of Health administrative Data and Survey Data

Among the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, hypertension is the leading factor since 13% of deaths overall are attributed to it. Given the considerable weight of this risk factor from the standpoint of public health, it is necessary that population-based studies be conducted to measure its prevalence and evolution over time. In Québec, the universal healthcare system is administered, among other things, by means of health administrative databases that are constantly being updated and…

Monitoring report

Monitoring of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders: Feasibility Study Based on Health Administrative Databases

The term dementia refers to a group of degenerative diseases that affect cognitive function and lead to loss of functional autonomy. Vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are the most common forms of dementia. In this report, the term “Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders” will be used.

Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders generally start appearing from the age of 60 to 65 years of age and onwards. They affect individuals’ daily functioning by…

Monitoring report

Surveillance of Personality Disorders in Québec: Prevalence, Mortality, and Service Utilization Profile

The aim of this report is to describe the use of administrative databases to estimate the prevalence of diagnosed group B personality disorders, along with service utilization and mortality. This group will be compared to personality disorders outside of group B and to serious or common psychiatric conditions (schizophrenia, anxio-depressive disorders) concerning which the INSPQ has already published.

Group B personality disorders represent a common psychiatric condition.…

Monitoring report

Surveillance of Mental Disorders in Québec: Prevalence, Mortality and Service Utilization Profile

Although population surveys based on standardized questionnaires on mental disorders convey information on prevalence, they cannot provide timely monitoring data on changes in prevalence of mental disorders or their complications. Moreover, they cannot deliver information on links between services offered and utilization that could be used provincially, regionally and locally for mental health prevention planning and service organization.

To overcome this problem, the unité…

Monitoring report