Nunavik Inuit Health Survey 2004 : Methodological Report

The Nunavik Inuit Health Survey conducted in 2004 allowed the gathering of significant information on the physical, psychological and social health of the Inuit population. The survey was only possible thanks to the participation of a great number of individuals in planning and carrying it out. The main objective of the present report is to describe in detail the various steps of the survey to provide readers and future database users with a better understanding of its design, data collection logistics and statistical methods. This report could be used as a reference for future surveys of a similar nature among other Native populations. The first section describes the various stages of the survey. The second section is a detailed description of the nutrition part. A variety of survey instruments are appended to the report for reference.

Louis Rochette
Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Carole Blanchet
M. Sc., épidémiologiste, Institut national de santé publique du Québec
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