Knowledge review

Écrit présentant une synthèse des connaissances scientifiques disponibles sur une question pertinente à la santé publique. Il contient et rend compte des résultats d’une démarche explicite pour identifier les études scientifiques pertinentes à la question examinée, évaluer la qualité de ces études, en extraire les données, formuler des conclusions et les analyser.

Developmental health and public policy

It is commonly acknowledged that the circumstances surrounding birth and the early years of life have an impact on the learning, behaviour and health of individuals throughout their lives. To help readers to learn more about interventions that support the healthy development of children from birth to five years old, we have compiled this bibliography.

This document aims to open pathways of study to public health actors interested in developmental health and the well-being of children…

Knowledge review

Urban Traffic Calming and Health

This literature review examines the effects of traffic calming in urban environments on four health determinants, namely:


The number and severity of road collisions, Air quality, Environmental noise, and Physical activity associated with active transportation.

Traffic calming is a manner of intervening in the built environment that appears to offer significant potential as a way to improve population health, and the evaluative literature is sufficiently abundant…

Knowledge review

Urban Traffic Calming: Summary Tables of Evaluative Studies

The tables below constitute a synthesis of the evaluations of traffic-calming interventions included in our literature review, including our comments.a Readers will find here a synthesis of each study (research questions, methodology, results), along with a column containing remarks about the conceptual validity, the internal validity and/or the reliability of each one. Although they are presented individually, the studies are grouped into three broad intervention categories: those…

Knowledge review

Four Types of Impact Assessment Used in Canada

Prospective impact assessment of projects, programs and policies has occurred in Canada since 1974, when a federal Cabinet policy was developed to review the environmental impacts of federal decisions. Today, various types of impact assessment are practised in Canada and abroad, in order to identify the unintended effects of public- and private-sector initiatives on human health and/or on the environment.

The existence of a large variety of impact assessments has led to a certain…

Knowledge review

Public Health Ethics - Selected Resources: Ethics in a Pandemic

Public health ethics (PHE) is a relatively new field of study that encourages interdisciplinary discussion of moral issues related to the theory and practice of public health and preventive medicine. Emerging over the last 15 years out of dissatisfaction with the traditional orientations of biomedical ethics, PHE involves the explicit use of concepts from ethical, social and political theory to discuss and evaluate collective interventions that aim to protect and promote the health of…

Knowledge review

A Survey of Ethical Principles and Guidance within Selected Pandemic Plans

This document provides a survey of the explicit goals, ethical principles, and ethics-related recommendations put forward by a selection of salient national, sub-national and international pandemic preparedness plans and policies. It is designed to provide a concise preliminary comparison of prominent ethical frameworks in order to stimulate examination of the relevance and utility of such tools for deliberation and justification in the context of an actual public health emergency. It does…

Knowledge review

Public Policies on Nutrition Labelling: Effects and Implementation Issues - A Knowledge Synthesis

We gathered data from the scientific and grey literature and from Canadian actors involved in addressing obesity to document the effectiveness of nutrition-labelling policies, as well as their unintended effects, equity, cost, feasibility, and acceptability. Presented here is a broad outline of the results.

The nutrition-labelling policies studied target pre-packaged foods or restaurant menus, and require them to display nutrition information either in a detailed format (Nutrition…

Knowledge review

Educational Success, Health and Well-Being: Effective Action in Schools – Synthesis of Recommendations

The Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) and the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) asked the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) to produce a decision support tool. This new tool is intended to help managers and staff in the education and health networks to select the promotion and prevention practices that will be most effective in fostering educational success, health and well-being among students in Québec schools.


Knowledge review

Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), eleven of the hottest twelve years ever observed were recorded since 1995 and are attributable to rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. North American cities “that currently experience heat waves are expected to be further challenged by an increased number, intensity and duration of heat waves”.

In Québec, the hottest ten years of the century have been recorded since the 1980s (Natural Resources Canada…

Knowledge review

Road Speed: Health Impact and Counteractive Measures

Speeding is a widespread phenomenon and is not confined solely to a small group of delinquent drivers: between 50% and 80% of Québec drivers exceed the legal speed limit. The problem is equally rampant in cities, on rural roads and highways. Excessive speed does not refer solely to driving well over the posted speed limit or very fast, which are rather marginal phenomena. The problem's source is, by and large, from less extreme but more frequent excess speed.

Despite more…

Knowledge review